Learn about the most common type of diabetes and what can cause it


TV Case Scenario 

Imagine you are a family medicine doctor and one day Homer Simpson comes into your office complaining of fatigue, increased thirst, and frequent urination. You observe that he is overweight and while engaging in small talk, he reveals to you that his go to food and beverage is donuts and beer. After running a blood test, you discover his blood sugar levels are higher than the normal range. You diagnose him with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and as you begin to give him the news, you become flooded with questions. "What's Diabetes Mellitus?" "What's Type 2?"  "How do you know I have it?"  "If I have it, how did I get it?" "How do I explain this to Marge and the kids?

What can you tell him about his medical condition as an attempt to ease his mind? 






Akanksha. 2024. Homer Simpson Character. Dribbble. [accessed 2024 Nov 20]. https://dribbble.com/shots/11894424-Homer-Simpson-Character.